MMPM-007: Integrated Marketing Communication

1. a) Define Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). With the help of online resources trace the evolution of IMC and its strategic importance for businesses.

b) Select and discuss any two products/brands where the role of IMC has largely contributed to their success stories.

2. a) What is an advertisement? Discuss the steps involved in advertising campaigns planning for the following:

i) a mobile brand trying to regain the market share.

ii) Launch of a new OTG brand.

b) Explain the following terms:

i) Advertising campaign planning creative considerations

ii) Advertising campaign planning media considerations

What is your advice to an adverting manager handling a new range of unisex bathing soaps targeted at young working professionals the creative considerations that he should consider and why?

3. a) Define and explain the term marketing communication mix. What elements constitute marketing communication mix? Briefly discuss each of these elements the role and advantages in promoting a product/service.

b) Distinguish publicity and public relation. Discuss the role and their importance in the promotion of a firm product/ services offering with an example.

4. a) What is media? Why it assumes critical importance in the context of IMC? Highlight the major trends in media buying.

b) Identify and discuss the various legal issues faced by marketers involved in IMC.