MMPC-009: Management of Machines and Materials

  1. “As distinct from intermittent flow processes, all outputs are treated alike in the continuous form of processing and the workflow is thus relatively continuous.” Comment on the statement. Also, explain the characteristics of continuous processes.
  2. “Time Management of the project is the first case that is usually done by using Critical Path Method (CPM) and in the second case using Programme Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT).” Explain, in view of the statement, the critical path method in brief.
  3. “Work Design is a systematic investigation of contemplated and present work to formulate through the ideal system concept, the easiest and most effective technique for achieving necessary goals.” Comment on the statement.
  4. Waste ‘Management’ is complementary to ‘Resource Management’. Critically comment. 5. What do you understand by the term inventory? Explain the functions of inventory.