1. a) What is a Product? Discuss the Product Characteristics and its classification with suitable examples.
b) Explain the concept of Product Portfolio. Discuss the BCG-growth share matrix that you are familiar with.
2. a) Comment on how a firm organizes the process of new product development process. Discuss setting the responsibility for new product development in the following situations.
i) New product development at the corporate level
ii) New product development at operating level
b) What is a new product? Briefly discuss the various techniques used for generated new product ideas.
3. a) Explain the concept and significance of branding. Illustrate. Discuss the steps involved in the brand selection process.
b) Comment on the brand building blocks you are familiar with. Discuss the key initiatives that markets ought to consider in branding decisions.
4. a) What are the factors to be kept in mind in choosing brand element and how do they help in building brand equity?
b) What are the five levels which brand can use to sustain value overtime?